Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wrangler Jeans is owned by the company VF Corporation!

Wrangler Jeans is owned by the company VF Corporation, which began as a glove and mitten factory that opened its doors in Pennsylvania in 1899. In 1919, the parent company of Wrangler Jeans added undergarments to its clothing lineup. It didn’t actually get into the denim business until 1969 when it bought H.D. Lee Jeans.
For many years since then, Wrangler Jeans has led the way in designing and producing clothing that is known for exceptional function, for more details visit to www.101-save-money.com durability, looks, and comfort. The Wrangler Jeans Company has now announced that it will begin production of a line of clothing that will not only be comfortable and durable, but will become a leader in protective clothing as well.

It has been reported that the single most common cause of severe burn injuries on the job stems from a workers clothing sparking, catching fire, and then continuing to burn. Wrangler Jeans uses flame resistant material for jeans and shirts in its new fire resistant line to provide the necessary thermal protection right where the area of exposure might be.

The amount of protection that a material in Wrangler Jeans has depends on the weight of the flame resistant fabric, in addition to the composition. With non flame retardant clothing, once the source of ignition is presented and then removed, for more details visit to www.art-of-astrology.com the clothing will keep burning. However, Wrangler Jeans has come up with materials that will self extinguish when the ignition source is removed. This allows more time to get out the clothing, limiting the risk of serious burns by limiting the percentage of the body that is burned.

With Wrangler Jeans, even though a worker caught in a flash fire will still probably suffer some injuries, the Wrangler Jeans fire resistant clothing can greatly reduce the severity of the burns. In many cases, Wrangler Jeans knows that in many cases, its clothing can mean the difference between life and death.

Wrangler Jeans Fire Resistant Apparel is made of flame resistant fabrics that protect the worker against burn injuries in his place of work. The Wrangler Jeans line is designed to meet the tough requirements that are specified by many major protection agencies. Wrangler Jeans fire resistant garments are another example of a leading clothing company providing what the consumers need when they need it. The Wrangler Jeans Fire Resistant garments are compliant with OSHA standards and are compliant for the lifetime of the garments, which is at least 100 home washings.

About The Author:
www.fire-itup.com www.profit-pulling-niches.com
