Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Care For Jeans

Never give the jeans to dry cleaning. Chemicals quickly make one sex rag.

About 95% of jeans go on sale, the interaction inevitably gives shrinkage. Normal jeans necessarily get any laundry, but it is particularly difficult to get them when they visit the hot drying washing machine.

Either way, they quickly acquire the body once again begin to wear, do not waste a good pair of jeans is always sold under the slogan «increasingly blurs - a better look!». If you do not like take jeans after each washing, vyzhmi them and the massacre at the rope, giving the desired shape with your fingers.

What denim longer maintain its texture and color, while washing it is desirable to adhere to the following simple rules:

Before washing the zipper on the jeans better latch.

Jeans products should be washed only inside out.

Do not use powders containing bleach.

When soaking and washing laundry detergent is necessary to breed in water, rather than sprinkle them with jeans products.

Jeans products should be washed separately from other items.

Should wash with warm water.

If possible, better to wash by hand.

Drying should be no twisting and no extraction, and the hanging, to get off the water.

Jeans products, with a special double prokras overdye, giving them a deep, saturated color, can be up to the first washing prokrashivatsya even smudge the body and clothes. After the first wash or rinse these features of the manufacturer specifically warns you, do not you worry.

Jeans can not touch, but if you why something like that never do in jeans «arrow» - even when the pants will inevitably folds under the knee and pahu, vertical arrow, which after the first Ironing vytsvetet and will clearly visible, tell the world that you have no taste.

And another. If putting on your favorite jeans, you feel that cold knees and bum transmission, know: it's time to get a new pair!

Tag : jeans,designer jeans,mens jeans,womens jeans

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