Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fake Armani Jeans - Don't Get Caught Out!

Buying a reproduced version of the Armani jeans may seem like a good idea but cheap Armani jeans are just that, cheap, inferior versions, of the genuine article. That will quickly be reduced to ugly looking sagging imitations of the original quality article.

So don't get caught out, here are a few hints to help you avoid being scammed out of your hard earned cash. Armani goods all come with a certificate of authenticity offered by the company. These are attached to the garment through the belt loops or possibly the zip, they are in a plastic case that is coloured blue and attached with a piece of blue string and a blue plastic security attachment. The fake versions may also carry these refinements but the plastic will probably be this and insubstantial and the string will be flimsy instead of thick and strong.

This certificate has a printed security feature, similar to a watermark, this is composed of the words Giorgio Armani, the trick is that you can not see the words by looking at the certificate, you will need to hold it up to the light, and tilt it a little, then just like a bank note the words will appear as if by magic. Cheap Armani jeans will be missing this security feature, or it will be printed onto the surface of the certificate and visible to the naked eye without holding it up to the light, this is a good indication that these cheap 'Armani' jeans may not be the real thing.

A the bottom of the real Giorgio Armani certificates you will see tiny little pieces of coloured paper that don't look like they are part of the certificate, they will make up the words Giorgio Armani, they have in fact been embedded into the paper when it was manufactured, and are nearly impossible to reproduce. The two words are raised and if you gently run your finger along them you will feel the words popping up like brail imprinted into a blind persons book.

In tiny words on the inside of the certificate you should be able to make out Fedrigoni Cartiere S.P.A - these words are so small they may be hard to find, but they are also very difficult to print. If you cant find them this may also be an indication that these are cheap Armani jeans that were not produced by the company, and are in fact worthless Fake Armani Jeans, so next time you are offered cheap Armani Jeans remember there's a good chance that they are produced in sweat shop on the other side of the world by child labour, so don't Don't get caught out with fake Armani Jeans.

Darrell F writing on behalf of Neat the mens Armani Jeans specialists.