Jeans are the in things now. When you have your jeans, it's important to not to wash them for least six months. During this period, they are still conforming to your body and washing them will severely interrupt this process. If they become unbearably dirty, you can have them dry cleaned or even put them in the freezer to get rid of any odor. On the A.P.C. 'instruction manual' that came with the pair I bought, one of the more extreme washing remedies advised, "Let your jeans get dirty for as long as possible, go swimming in the ocean wearing your jeans, rub your jeans with dry sand, and repeat several times. Rinse in fresh (not salt) water and let dry in the sun)." Besides possibly accelerating the deterioration process, I see no real world benefit in engaging in such time consuming and obsessive behavior.
Jeans are very comfortable to wear. People are very excited before they buy them and are more excited when they show off in front of other people. Children keep on looking for good moments in the family, when they can put up a demand for the "latest pair of jeans".
Parents can offer good ideas to their children to be creative and make designs on their jeans. The parents can model creativity by showing them different designs on the jeans, and guiding their children how to make good designs by using the latest sewing machines.
There are various sewing machines available in the market. It is not necessary that the most expensive ones are the best ones. Children should start with the basic ones so that they can be comfortable with the designing.
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